Healthier cleaning processes in schools are good for workers, students, staff, attendance and the long-term bottom line, but how do you implement a healthy cleaning program in a time of immediate budget crisis? According to Allen Rathey, president of InstructionLink/JanTrain, Inc., Boise, Idaho, the answer is by developing good systems.

In our cover story, I spoke with Rex Morrison, "facility guy" and developer of Process Cleaning for Healthy Schools, a system that when properly implemented has proven to increase cleanliness and building occupant health, as well as reduce custodial budgets.

The program is designed to increase the surfaces cleaned throughout a school, without adding difficulty or time on behalf of the custodian.

"Most custodians clean in circles and this is a program that will straighten them out," says Morrison. "It takes out the kinks and curves of cleaning by creating an easier and less time consuming way to do the job."

View our cover story to learn about the specifics to this program. Then go online ( to register for the free webcast titled "Achieving Healthy Schools & Workplaces with Process Cleaning," scheduled for March 8th at 1:00 p.m. Eastern. In the webcast Morrison explains in his own words how departments can use Process Cleaning for Healthy Schools as a holistic approach to get costs under control and drive the health agenda. Rathey will also address the benefits of healthy schools, the importance of systems thinking for cost-effective process improvement and how Process Cleaning can be applied to all facility types.