Not long after he started working for the Southern Ute Reservation in 2013, Baidwan read an industry article that proposed a way to keep high-touch surfaces cleaner and reduce the sharing of germs from one person to another. The method and product were being developed by a company called NanoSeptic.

"It was before NanoSeptic even started production and sales," says Baidwan. "After I read the article I totally got it and said 'I want in.' I sent an email and said, 'I read your article. As soon as you have product available, I want some.' I can't say I was their first client, but I was among the first and I've been using their product ever since."

NanoSeptic markets a line of continuously self-cleaning products that include push bar and door handle wraps and labels, flush handle sleeves for toilets, elevator buttons and light switch covers, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) door push button skins, shopping cart handle wraps, and more. The surfaces are powered by light and utilize mineral nano-crystals that create an oxidation reaction. According to the manufacturer, the reaction decomposes dirt and pollutants under light exposure. Working 24/7, the surface continually oxidizes organic contaminants.

Unlike some traditional disinfectants and cleaners that are sprayed on and wiped off, the surface uses no harsh compounds, heavy metals or chemicals, and nothing is released from the surface since the nano-crystals are molecularly bonded to the material. NanoSeptic surfaces are not meant to replace disinfectants and sanitizers, but instead serve as an effective complement. The purpose of these self-cleaning NanoTouch products is to reduce the likelihood that contaminants will be transferred from one contact to the next.

"The more time that it has to kill germs, the better it acts," says Baidwan. "If I touch a door handle and someone comes along 20 seconds behind me, there's some kill there. But if you go a couple minutes between touches, it's more effective. If you go a couple hours, it's even more effective. Any germs that are on that surface will immediately start to be killed by the NanoSeptic technology, which means you're not sharing them with other people. This is powerful, especially in our academy, with all the little kids. If we can keep a child with post-nasal drip from sharing that with the rest of his class, that's a win-win."

Committed to keeping all the facilities for which he is responsible clean and safe for the people who occupy them, Baidwan said the function of the NanoSeptic products makes perfect sense in his determination to see his own high standards met.

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Nanotechnology Boosts Infection Control Efforts
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Facility Benefits From Testing Nanotechnology Products