Beginning on Nov. 15, attendees will once again have the opportunity to participate in ISSA's educational conference program consisting of 65-plus sessions. Facility cleaning managers can choose from a range of educational tracks, including those targeting hospitality, healthcare and schools.

On Monday, IEHA, a division of ISSA, will host a healthcare track, which includes topics such as technical innovations and optimizing wellness during the pandemic. Tuesday's IEHA hospitality track features sessions on leveraging inclusion, cleaning post-pandemic and more.

The K-12 and higher education track presented by Healthy Green Schools and Colleges takes place on Monday and covers indoor air quality, infection prevention and COVID-19 success stories from school facility directors.

In addition to the educational tracks, the show floor will feature 30-minute interactive education sessions and demos throughout the week. In the Solve for X Theater, sessions will identify some of the key business challenges facing today's cleaning professionals and offer possible solutions in an interactive environment. Sessions of interest for facility managers include: "What is Going on in Washington? A Legislative and Regulatory Update" on Tuesday; "Managing for Productivity" on Wednesday; and "Industry Leaders Roundtable" on Wednesday.

Keynote Speakers

Throughout the week, attendees will have the chance to hear from a variety of topnotch industry speakers, including some featured sessions and keynote presentations. On Monday, author, futurist and technology strategist Crystal Washington will host the "Lunch and Learn Spotlight: The Future is Now — What Cleaning Industry Experts Need to Know." During the session, Washington will address the ways in which technology is reprogramming client's needs and share tips for embracing technology trends to avoid employee burnout, address labor shortages and fortify the future.

The future of the industry is the focus of Wednesday's Industry Power Panel, featuring a panel of C-Suite executives. For the first time ever, ISSA is inviting some of the biggest names in the

industry to represent the markets that attendees most want to learn about.

Headlining the educational sessions for Thursday is Forbes and Inc. Magazine technology columnist Gene Marks, presenting "10 Tech Trends Affecting Businesses This Year and Beyond." Marks will delve into how successful businesses are using technologies to increase sales and service customers, as well as explore up-and-coming technologies, such as cyber-security, AI and robots.

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