Guadalupe Mayer
Fellow custodians, faculty and students alike can always count on Guadalupe Mayer to put a smile on their face at the Anderson Clarke Center in Rice University

The custodial staff at Rice University in Houston has been able to count on the self-motivation of Guadalupe Mayer for over 29 years. The proactive approach she brings to not only her cleaning tasks but building relationships with coworkers and occupants alike made her a perfect fit for the Anderson-Clarke Center on campus. The facility was established in 2014 with the main objective of providing part-time and foreign students opportunities to take continuing language courses and feel more integrated into the campus community.

The high cleaning demands for the center have been no problem for Mayer, who has embraced a leadership role on the custodial team to ensure no jobs fall through the cracks. Her keen eye for attention to detail provides improvement to not only her own responsibilities, but other projects as well.

"For Guadalupe, cleaning is her passion. She is self-motivated and always striving for excellence when performing her daily cleaning responsibilities and assignments," says Fidel Gonzalez, custodial manager at Rice University. "She also maintains excellent communication with the custodial team, keeping them informed of any needs for the building, or custodial supply and cleaning tools."

As vital as it is to keep the campus clean, Mayer also puts emphasis on ensuring that fellow custodians and students feel respected and heard — an especially important quality in a year where there hasn't been much to smile about for many.

"Guadalupe always keeps in mind that the customers are her daily priority," says Gonzalez. "She never forgets the importance of strong relationships with students, faculty, staff and coworkers, which make working hours more enjoyable."

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