What managers should consider before purchasing cleaning carts and caddies
No matter how easy it would be to simply go online, pick a cleaning cart or caddy, and have it delivered, the decision is often just not that clear cut. There are many factors to take into account, including the size of the organization, the type of facility and the cleaning programs in place.
“I’m a fan of buying whatever fits for the situation,” says Louie Davis, business development manager for Central Paper Company in Alabama. “If you’re a small office building, you don’t need an expensive cart, you just need a basic cart. The key is to match the tool with the job. There are a lot of options. You just have to shop to find what fits.”
The characteristics of the cleaning department should guide decisions on cart and caddy purchase, organization and maintenance policies. Small facilities, like churches and some schools, can absolutely have more personalized ways of stocking and using carts, as long as a few guidelines are in place.
For larger, more formalized organizations, such as health care facilities, large office spaces and government facilities, for instance, more formal policies and procedures for carts and caddies are definitely the way to go.
“In those situations, the carts and caddies need to be arranged uniformly throughout the organization,” says Davis.
Safety First
The one thing that doesn’t change, no matter what, is that the cart must provide an easy, efficient way to store and use cleaning chemicals safely. All cleaning professionals need to be trained in maintaining a safe environment with regard to the chemicals and products they use.
For example, chemicals must be labeled correctly with regard to OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard regulations, and they must be stored on carts in a way that is both clear and secure.
Davis advocates for using the online training courses available through chemical manufacturers to ensure that all new hires are up-to-speed on the safety procedures for the chemicals they will be handling. With that training, cleaning professionals should understand any cross-contamination issues that may come up on their carts.
They should also know what to do if someone inappropriately comes into contact with a chemical or mix of chemicals. The only thing left to be taught on-site is where the safety data sheets (SDS) are located and the particular labeling procedures required.
An additional safety consideration would be whether the chemicals on the cart need to be locked up. For instance, in many school or medical environments, carts with lockable compartments can be imperative to maintaining a safe environment.
Choosing The Right Cleaning Cart Or Caddy