There were no real “gotchas” or unexpected expenses related to the installation, says Nieman, although with just one sink, it was a little tricky squeezing the hand dryer motor, plumbing trap, water lines and a gallon container of soap under that small space.
“But it worked,” he notes. “As far as the cost of the unit is concerned, I am certain the lasting impression a modern restroom leaves with guests makes it worth it, not to mention the savings on paper towels, soap and more efficient cleaning times.”
For example, Nieman says they’re saving between $700 and $800 a year on paper towels. Soap savings amount to about $50 to $100 per year.
“Inventory is much easier, too, as we only need to keep an extra gallon of soap for each sink — which typically lasts at least six months, so we use just two gallons of foaming soap in each unit during the course of a year,” he says. “We only need to keep a few rolls of paper towels on hand for handwashing sinks in the staff areas. And having the WashBar eliminated our need for trash cans in the restrooms; we started placing a can outside in the concourse for anything that needs to be discarded.”
His staff of eight employees are all involved in some facet of cleaning and appreciate the efficiencies gained through this solution. Since there were only two restrooms, stocking wasn’t much of a challenge before. But now this task requires even less time, especially since the WashBar alerts to when soap is running low. And with less mess in the restrooms to contend with, a three-person team can do a general cleanup of the facility in under 45 minutes, including all the mopping, says Nieman.
Perhaps just as valuable is the positive impression the restrooms have made on their guests.
“Restrooms are a big impact area and definitely worth the expense to do a remodel right,” says Nieman. “It took us years to realize we should keep the water in the sink where it can drain instead of tracking it around the restrooms. It’s a big investment, but something you should consider a priority. An impressive sink in remodeled/updated restrooms shows the guests that you care about them. Look at the solutions available and reach out to your local representatives to see what options are available.”
It doesn’t hurt to have a memorable design along with the functional benefits, Niemann adds.
“Even after five years of installation, we have little kids who run out and tell their parents they have to check out the sinks,” says Nieman. “Countless moms come out saying, ‘I need that sink in my house’. I think that’s one of the best affirmations that we made the right choice when we selected the WashBar.”
Pamela Mills-Senn is a freelance writer from Long Beach, California.
All-In-One Sink System Keeps Floors and Customers Safe