In Joseph Heller’s Catch-22, the character Major Major is a squadron commander in charge of an army during World War II. Rather than try to stand out as a distinctive part of the organization, he is a recluse who hides in his office and avoids people at all costs.

When discussing the topic of this month’s cover story with John Walker, Housekeeping Solutions columnist and president of Managemen, Walker described some cleaning managers as having “an element of Major Major in them.” He said some managers spend their time just trying to get through the day’s complaints and they do little to increase their professional skills.
However, as many of my housekeeping-manager sources attest in “Putting a Face on Housekeeping Management,” their ranks are becoming more visible within organizations. They strive to elevate the profession and more often are positioning themselves in front of their customers to make building occupants more aware of their mission and the work that they do. Managers claim that visibility and improved credibility within their organization can change people’s perceptions of housekeeping.

Nevertheless, managers still face a Catch-22 in that once you start talking the talk you’re expected to walk the walk.