Many in-house cleaning managers find benefit to attending industry-related trade shows. In an industry that is continuously changing, these conventions offer education on regulations, requirements and cleaning procedures, chances to test out new products and countless opportunities for networking with other industry professionals.

Pam Cavanaugh, CSP, building services supervisor at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Fla., couldn’t agree more.

“I actually get to talk to folks that have first-hand knowledge of upcoming industry changes, such as green or energy,” she says. “I get to sample new products and share my experiences with others. I get to ask questions to experts in the industry and I meet people that have the same common issues/challenges that I do.”

She continues, “The networking has been such a plus because meeting someone at an event like a trade show can lead to a lifetime or wealth of knowledge.”

Because of all it has to offer, Cavanaugh will once again make her yearly trek to ISSA/INTERCLEAN® North America Sept. 8-11. Held in Las Vegas, she is anxious to see what awaits her and fortunately, she wont have to wait much longer.

Educational Offerings

When asked what one of the top three most beneficial aspects of the ISSA/INTERCLEAN show is, most attendees list education. Like years past, the first two days of the 2008 show will focus on education with the opportunity for over a dozen seminars, some of which offer Certified Executive Housekeeper (CEH) credits.

Valerie Reese, CEH, support services manager at The Country Club of Virginia in Richmond, Va., attends education sessions to stay up-to-date on trends, as well as to receive credits to maintain her CEH certification.

“I am a member of the International Executive Housekeepers Association and my joint membership with ISSA allows me to attend classes provided for IEHA members,” Reese says.

Like Reese, some in-house facility representatives look specifically for those classes with certifications attached, but others choose educational sessions that cover topics of interest. Cavanaugh comments that green is a topic she will be looking for this year.

“I primarily attend educational sessions because I am a cleaning green geek and I love the industry I work in,” she says. “I can not find this information anywhere else and who better to learn from than the experts in the field?”

Education sessions at the 2008 show will take place on Monday, Sept. 8 and run through Tuesday, Sept. 9. Topics will cover everything from slips, trips and falls, indoor air quality and green cleaning to implementing product introductions, employee management and succession planning.

Expected to be one of the most well-attended educational opportunities at this years show is the Keynote Address by Dr. Bill Cosby, scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 10 from 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. Titled, “It’s Your Job to Feel Good,” the presentation will force attendees to focus on the personal side of the cleaning business and think twice about their business prospective.

Cavanaugh comments that she is anxious to hear what Cosby has to say.

“Dr. Cosby has always had a way of getting to the ‘matter’ of things,” she says. “I believe he will be well attended and have a manner in which to deliver his always positive message.”

Extending to the exhibit hall, educational opportunities continue throughout the duration of the show.

On the convention floor, attendees will find the popular Education Theatre where sessions continue during show hours. Available throughout the day, cleaning experts can stop in to learn about green cleaning in schools, LEED-EB revisions, the newly revised GS-37, leadership opportunities and more.

Networking Opportunities

In years past, the networking events at ISSA/INTERCLEAN have been well received, but show representatives comment that this year will offer even more opportunities to learn from each other.

In addition to socializing on the show floor, many attendees have taken advantage of networking events such as the Peer Exchange Reception, the Show Floor Happy Hour and of course the well-attended All-Industry Networking Lunch.

Taking place on Monday, Sept. 8 from noon to 1:30 p.m., this luncheon allows industry representatives from across the country to convene and discuss cleaning-related experiences, issues, opportunities and challenges.

“The Networking Lunch is one of my favorite parts of the show,” says Cavanaugh. “I am greedy when it comes to picking the mind of those in the know.”

Reese agrees and adds that the lunch has offered her the opportunity to share ideas and experiences from her facility, as well as learn from others in the industry.

Another very popular networking event at the show is the Women’s Forum. Open to all show attendees, this hour-long discussion offers opportunities for guests to step outside the cleaning industry and focus on bettering themselves as a manager.

Traditionally, the presenter — a woman herself — has overcome great adversity to succeed. This years speaker, Molly Cox, is expected to attract large crowds while allowing for open discussions and true networking situations.

Reese comments that she found great benefit to last years Women’s Forum.

“It gave me inspiration to hear from a woman who has worked very hard to get where she is today,” says Reese.

Cavanaugh has also attended Women’s Forums at past shows and comments that she wouldn’t miss it this year either.

“I attend the Women’s Forum for the woman in me who happens to be in an industry where one could lose themselves to their careers,” she says. “I truly believe that it is a wonderful attribute to the show.”

New To The Show

In years past, trade show attendees have known what to expect prior to attending an industry convention, and in most cases, the same could be said for ISSA/INTERCLEAN North America. This year, that is no longer the case. Show representatives stress that this year’s show will be “Business Not As Usual.” In fact, attendees can expect some surprises and unconventional offerings on the show floor.

Not only do exhibitors offer new product introductions at their booths, but ISSA will also — for the first time — feature the Product Innovation Competition.

A variation of the previous ISSA Innovation Awards program, this competition is available in the Innovation Area of the convention center. Products will be on display for attendees to view in their own time and will be accompanied by videos and detailed literature.

Also new to the show is the Green Connection Pavilion where show attendees can hone their green knowledge. This area of the show floor will address green services, memberships, certifications, accreditations, compliance resources, consulting, training and information on green and eco-friendly practices.

Various government agencies that are dedicated to servicing green initiatives will also be available in the Green Connection Pavilion.

Finally, attendees can have a break from the show grind and have a little fun with two featured events. First, the Housekeeping Olympics, in conjunction with the 2008 IEHA Convention, is expected to attract more than 600 people who are interested in taking part in the games.

Events will include, but are not limited to, vacuum races, bed-making competitions and floor-pad tossing.

Second, guests will experience a high-flying acrobatic act during the Show Floor Happy Hour. Cirque du Soleil-style performers will offer soaring stunts for all guests.

Everyone attends trade shows for a different reason, but all have the potential to walk away having learned a great deal. With all it’s offerings, this year’s ISSA/INTERCLEAN show is bound to be one no one will forget.