Readers share some of the wildest complaints they’ve received from building occupants, as well as their biggest pet peeves

Have you ever had a building occupant leave a piece of cereal on the floor as a “test” for the custodial crew, to then have that same occupant complain that it was not cleaned up? Or maybe you heard the one about the teacher that wanted her classroom light left on after cleaning so she wouldn’t have to touch the light switch in the morning? Or just maybe you’ve worked with the occupant that called one Friday afternoon to report a raisin on the floor that was attracting ants, then instead of picking it up on their own proceeded to post a sign requesting it be left for Monday so you could see the situation that needed resolution?

Chances are, these three situations pale in comparison to some of the doozies you’ve heard in your years as a cleaning executive.

As service providers, the work of cleaning professionals is on display and open to criticism. Some of the feedback from building occupants can be constructive, leading to process improvements. But unfortunately, the bad often outweighs the good when it comes to comments.

We asked Facility Cleaning Decisions readers to share some of the more memorable questions and complaints they’ve received on the job. Here are just a few of the responses we received.

There is too much sunlight coming in through the window.

 —   #$@&%*!  —

There is too much snow and/or water in the parking lot following a storm.

 —  #$@&%*!  —

The toilets made today are too small.

 —  #$@&%*!  —

I placed that paper on the trash can, but that didn’t mean I wanted it thrown away. If I wanted it thrown away, I would have put it in the trash can.

 —  #$@&%*!  —

The boxes (not labeled trash) left next to the receptacle were not removed and they were supposed to be trashed.

 —  #$@&%*!  —

Do you realize there are raccoons in the parking lot? Isn’t that a danger? (Note: We adjoin a large woodland area)

 —  #$@&%*!  —

Something is coming out of the unit ventilator. Maybe it’s the air conditioning.

 —  #$@&%*!  —

Spiders have built webs outside near the entrance. Those should be cleaned with the rest of the building.

 —  #$@&%*!  —

My plant was not placed back in the exact location it was before you redid the floor.

 —  #$@&%*!  —

Why did they raise prices in the Juice Bar?

 —  #$@&%*!  —

When I write on the walls, your staff doesn’t take it down fast enough.

 —  #$@&%*!  —

Why must the cleaning supplies you use smell so much like chemicals?

 —  #$@&%*!  —

A coworker tracks in too much pet hair on their clothes and then spreads it in the office.

 —  #$@&%*! —

There is too much traffic on the main road in front of the facility. Can you get a sign placed to slow traffic?

 —  #$@&%*!  —

When I moved this refrigerator out of its place, I found this dirt and dust under it. That is gross and unacceptable.

 —  #$@&%*!  —

The bathroom stinks when people use it.

 —  #$@&%*!  —

Can you clean my desk? I have to leave early and won’t have time to do it myself.

We also asked readers to comment on their biggest pet peeves on the job. Here are those that ranked highest among custodial executives.

Occupants complain that an entire room wasn’t cleaned when the custodian only missed a small area.

 —  #$@&%*!  —

Lack of ownership over who is responsible for certain cleaning activities.

 —  #$@&%*!  —

Complaints that do not involve my department.

 —  #$@&%*!  —

Any theft is immediately blamed on night shift staff.

 —  #$@&%*!  —

Anonymous complaints with no specifics so we can’t follow up on the complaint.

 —  #$@&%*!  —

It’s too hot or too cold.

 —  #$@&%*!  —

Requests to unclog a toilet when all it needed was to be flushed.

 —  #$@&%*!  —

When people eat at their desk and keep food in their drawers, then complain about odors, insects or pests.

 —  #$@&%*!  —

Communicating complaints via email and copying everyone in the company.

 —  #$@&%*!  —

Baiting the cleaning crew by leaving something on the floor to test whether it is picked up that evening, then complaining if it isn’t.

If you’d like to share a complaint you’ve experienced, a pet peeve, or just an overall frustration with the job, email All submissions will be kept anonymous.