In this Facility Cleaning Decisions Roundtable, the Advisory Board discusses industry advancements, IoT, management challenges and staffing

What three traits do you look for in prospective managers?

First and foremost, leadership skills are essential to succeed as a manger. After that, I look at a persons work ethic and their initiative. A manager must be committed to the company, their mission/vision, and to their team in order to accomplish the company’s goal and have the respect of their team. Finally, a manager must excel in time management. They must be able to multi-task many projects while keeping accurate records of all happenings.
Doreen Bessert, C.E.H.
Worksite Placement Coordinator, Custodial Supervisor & Central Purchasing Agent
Manitowoc County DPW

Compassion is very important. As managers, we have to be able to think outside the box, and showing compassion with our patients and staff can go a long way. Prospective managers must have integrity and be able to build trusting relationships. Trust in a person helps everything run smoothly. If I assign a task, I want to be able to trust that the person has taken care of it. Finally, I look for diversity. We are a diverse society and being able to work with various types of people is most important.
Babette Beene
Environmental Services Manager
University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center

I look for effective supervisory skills, skills in interpersonal relations, and the ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships when dealing with a diverse group of people. Managers should also exhibit the ability to work independently and to plan, direct and supervise the work of others.
Michael Gutierrez
Manager of Building Operations
Milwaukee Public Schools

I look for an effective communicator with strong listening skills. A prospective manager must also have the ability to separate themselves from others and supervise those who were once their peers. And finally, they must be fair, firm, factual and friendly.
Ada Baldwin, M.R.E.H.
Director of University Housekeeping
North Carolina State University

Prospective managers should have attention to detail, the ability to communicate effectively, and they should exhibit strong customer service skills (a manager’s customers are employees).
Steven Spencer
Facilities Specialist
State Farm Insurance

Using what I learned from the Shingo Institute, I look for humility, respect for everyone, a goal-oriented individual, and someone who is able to maintain a constancy of purpose.
Gene Woodard, R.E.H.
Director of Building Services
University of Washington

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Management Challenges Facility Executives Encounter
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Accomplishments Of Successful Managers