For a decade, Georgia-Pacific Professional’s enMotion dispensers have helped transform the world of touchless dispensing technology and contributed to more stylish, innovative and sustainable hand hygiene solutions. This year, Georgia-Pacific Professional is celebrating the 10th anniversary of the industry-leading enMotion automated dispensing systems.
“Since 2002, enMotion dispensers have improved washroom and foodservice experiences by providing product solutions that help businesses reduce costs, improve hygiene and contribute to environmental sustainability,” said Alex Volpe, vice president and general manager, towel category – Georgia-Pacific Professional.“ As we celebrate this milestone, we recognize the important role our distributor and customer base has played in the brand’s success and will continue to provide enhancements that support their needs.”
To celebrate this milestone, Mo, Georgia-Pacific Professional’s vice president of hygiene and chairman of cool, will be throwing birthday parties at tradeshows and events throughout the year. Additionally, Georgia-Pacific Professional will launch a micro-site to help fans and customers become part of the celebration.