Proctor & Gamble recently released a long-term goal of zero manufacturing waste contributed to landfills. In a statement, the company announced that they “have come a long way in a short time and are innovating to find new ways to turn waste into worth.”
By 2020, all manufacturing sites would send zero production waste to landfill, accounting for roughly 95 percent of the waste the company produces.
Since P&G began qualifying sites as zero manufacturing waste to landfill, 56 percent of its global production sites have achieved this milestone. Plans are now in place to complete the remaining facilities over the next four years. This means eliminating or beneficially re-using about 650,000 metric tons of waste, equivalent to the weight of nearly 350,000 mid-sized cars that would typically go to landfills.
In a statement, P&G said, “The key is to not see anything as trash, but material with potential use. Our Global Asset Recovery Purchases team is dedicated to just that.”
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