Bedbugs and fleas are both tough to deal with. It’s important to know which you’re dealing with when trying to get rid of them. According to an Insider article, both fleas and bedbugs are wingless and a reddish brown. They’re tiny and often come into a building unnoticed, but can be seen with the naked eye. Fleas are more oval-shaped and tend to be smaller than bedbugs, which have a a flat, seed-shaped body.
Also, fleas can jump long distances, while bedbugs can only crawl. Both typically feed at night and they can live for quite a while between meals. Fleas can live for up to 100 days and bedbugs for up to a few weeks, according to the article.
Flea bites are red and itchy and can spread diseases (plague, typhus, and cat scratch disease) and usually appear on the lower parts of legs and ankles.
Bedbug bites typically appear in clustered welts or lines, but aren't known to pass on pathogens and diseases. They probably won’t make anyone sick unless they’re allergic to them.
For facilities professionals dealing with bedbugs, research has shown that temperatures around 120 degrees Fahrenheit are lethal to both bed bugs and their eggs in a short amount of time.
The easiest way to utilize heat is to place any launderable items in a hot dryer cycle, which will kill bed bugs and their eggs in a short amount of time.
Getting rid of fleas usually involves cleaning or laundering everything removable and thoroughly vacuum all carpeting and rugs, according to an article on the Balance website. Then sprinkle powder between soft surfaces, along the perimeter of all the walls and the floor. Brush the powder into carpeted areas, vacuum the excess and repeat at least two to three times a week. Discard the vacuum cleaner bags.