Asante Three Rivers Medical Center, Grants Pass, Oregon, has invested in ultraviolet technology to help protect patient facilities in the hospital environment. The innovative Clorox Healthcare Optimum-UV Enlight System provides an extra layer of protection by killing pathogens that can cause health-care-associated infections.
Nationally, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that about one in 25 hospitalized patients has at least one health-care-associated infection (HAI) each day. These infections are a threat to patient safety. Keeping health care facilities clean can help decrease the occurrence of HAIs.
“A lot of hard work and thoroughness goes into how we clean our hospital rooms,” said Adam Dockery, manager of Environmental Services and Central Transportation at Asante Three Rivers Medical Center. “We’re passionate about patient safety and excited about this system’s ability to help keep infection rates low.”
The Clorox Healthcare Optimum-UV Enlight System emits UV-C light to kill microorganisms by inactivating their DNA, rending them harmless and unable to multiply or spread. The UV-C rays extend a full 360 degrees, allowing the system to disinfect areas within an 8-foot radius in just five minutes.
“Patient safety is a top priority,” added Dockery. “Incorporating the Clorox Healthcare Optimum-UV Enlight System into our cleaning and disinfecting protocols gives patients and employees peace of mind knowing the system helps protect our patient environments.”
Asante Three Rivers Medical Center purchased two units that will be used in the hospital’s inpatient, isolation and discharge rooms, as well as in operating rooms after each surgical case.