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Individuals can earn Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI) continuing education (CE) credits by simply reading U.S. Green Buildings Council (USGBC) publications and passing an online test associated with the text, the council reports.

After reading an article from an issue of USGBC+, industry professionals are encouraged to go to Education @USGBC and take a test. Participants earn 0.5 GBCI CE credits for passing the quiz associated with each article. After completing an entire publication, like the spring issue of USGBC+ or one from past years, individuals are able to take a quiz encompassing everything the magazine discusses. Passing this more comprehensive quiz earns a full GBCI CE credit.

Credit doesn’t just come from reading up on the latest from reading USGBC+. In fact, one credit is earned by reading and completing a quiz on the “Greening Greenbuild 2018” case study. A robust four credits are earned by reading the “Boston Resiliency” cased study, and two more can be awarded after reading “Perspectives on State Legislation Concerning Lead Testing In School Drinking Water.” Finally, one credit is offered by reading and taking the quiz associated with “Sharing the Table: A Roadmap to Reducing and Recovering Surplus Food in Schools.”

Each of these publications can be read for free. However, taking the quiz requires either a USGBC subscription or individual purchase.