Janitors have been, and always will be, the prime purveyors of office cleanliness. Without them, many facilities would be at a loss. Others impact the cleanliness of an office, too. Employees, of course, can do their part by being mindful of what they do and do not leave behind and do or do not use. One grand example: the washing of hands. (Remember this practice? Evidently most people do not).
But it’s not just humans that can improve the cleanliness of an office, school, public property or commercial facility. Plants, too, can help to purify the air of an office, resulting in improved productivity and better overall health. To maximize the air cleaning capabilities of plants, one has to be strategic, says GearBrain.
One way to excel at cleaning the air through plants is to identify and implement the plants that clean the air well. These plants will also need to be resistant because natural light is at a premium in most office settings. Below is a list of ideal office plants:
- Aspidistra
- Peace lily
- Zanzibar Gem
- Chamaedorea
- Dracaena
- Calathea
- Snake plant
Those who really want to clear the office air might be interested in purchasing a smart plant pot or plant air purifier, both of which are sold by a number of companies online.
Plants aren’t for everyone. They require consistent attention and care. Luckily, there’s more “set it and forget it” types of options when it comes to improving indoor air quality, like floor mats, vacuums with HEPA filters and microfiber mops.