PathoSans Technologies will donate up to 5,000 gallons/ of sanitizer and disinfectant a day day to Illinois after the state's Gov. J.B. Pritzker asked Illinois businesses for help fighting COVID-19.
The sanitizer and disinfectant being donated, PathoCide, kill human coronavirus and other viruses more resilient to disinfection than SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.
PathoSans, a division of Spraying Systems Co., will produce the sanitizer using equipment it manufactures in Glendale Heights, Illinois. It will donate the sanitizer to state first responders and the teams that support them who cannot secure enough sanitizer due to shortages caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The sanitizer will allow the state to clean vehicles, work surfaces, and facilities to keep government personnel and Illinois citizens safer during the coronavirus crisis.
“During this state of emergency, a shortage of effective sanitizers and disinfectants quickly became a significant issue,” says Dr. William J. Kohley, president of PathoSans Technologies. “Our ECA systems are designed to supply high volumes of environmentally responsible cleaners and sanitizers. They are manufactured right here in Illinois; by redirecting production to address local supply chain shortages, we knew we could help immediately. It was a unique situation and our state officials and community leaders vetted the idea, process, and figured out how to make it happen.”