Concept of global warming

Kimberly-Clark has issued a series of self-imposed climate change goals that it hopes will reduce the impact it has on the planet by 2030, according to a press release.

Kimberly-Clark's ambitions for 2030 include a commitment to reduce the carbon footprint of its operations and supply chain for several of its brands, including Kleenex, Cottonelle, Scott and Kotex by 50 percent for absolute Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions from its operations. The commitment also includes a 20 percent reduction in absolute Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions from purchased goods and services and end of life treatment of sold products. Both targets are based on a new 2015 base year.

"Setting and achieving aggressive climate goals has been part of Kimberly-Clark's sustainability journey for 25 years," says Lisa Morden, vice president of Safety, Sustainability and Occupational Health at Kimberly-Clark. "The adoption of new carbon footprint goals and the alignment with [Science Based Targets initiative] demonstrate Kimberly-Clark's commitment to safeguard natural systems."

Science-based targets are those that do what is necessary to limit global warming to well-below 2 degrees pre-industrial levels. These targets also aim to limit warming to 1.5 degrees.

"The new 2030 goals will challenge us to innovate new solutions to meet these ambitious science-based emissions reduction targets and expand our focus beyond our manufacturing sites into our entire supply chain," says Juan Marin, Global Energy Solutions Manager, Kimberly-Clark. "Our teams around the world have developed outstanding plans for conservation, renewable energy and alternative energy that have driven our results thus far. We're excited to take the next step."