A member of a cleaning staff wiping down elevator buttons

Image One, a commercial cleaning company based out of the Chicago suburbs and growing franchise locations nationwide, has launched a website to educate the public about best cleaning practices in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. The website, CleaningforHealth.com, aims to inform users of how dirty the commonplace office spaces are, according to a press release. The website also details frequent questions about how to pick the right cleaning service.

"Businesses of every size are focused on returning to the office in a safe way," says Tim Conn, co-founder of Image One. "As someone who's immersed in commercial cleaning, I felt like I wanted to offer Cleaning For Health as a public resource to help others keep their offices clean and safer."

Companies returning to their offices can visit the website to find out more about safety precautions for employees and the importance of having a healthy work environment. They can also learn more on how to tell the difference the difference between sanitizing and cleaning.

Applying effective cleaning for health strategies is essential, but there is a lot that people might not know about best practices. In the "Consumer's Guide to Cleaning for Health" e-book, Conn, who is the co-founder of Image One Facility Solutions, takes readers through some of the most valuable things to know to implement good cleaning habits, sharing what he has learned through more than three decades of commercial cleaning expertise, including:

  • The 5 misconceptions of disinfection
  • A consumer's guide to cleaning for health
  • Avoiding commercial cleaning rip offs
  • Which products disinfect the best

"Cleaning for health is not a brand-new concept that has been thrown together as a reaction to what we are currently facing," says Conn. "It's an ideology that has been around for quite some time and it's never too late to start making it a priority."

The e-book is available as a free resource here.