A student group at Louisiana Tech University has implemented small changes they hope could help to prevent at least some additional COVID-19 cases on campus.
Members of the university's chapter of the Young Democratic Socialists of America created two mobile handwashing stations for students, faculty and staff to use while traveling through the highly frequented quad on campus, according to KNOE News. The student group hopes people walking by will use the station as an opportunity to wash their hands when they touch something and are away from a restroom.
The student group's inspiration for the handwashing stations are the various people throughout the nation who have created similar stations for the homeless. Each of the two stations the Louisiana Tech students created features a five-gallon water tank that's activated using a foot pump. Of course, the water is accompanied by an offering of hand soap, both of which are refilled daily. Each station is also disinfected with bleach throughout the week.
The student group hopes to raise money to develop and implement more handwashing stations across campus. Louisiana Tech begins its fall semester in less than a month.