Healthy Green Schools & Colleges (HGSC) is seeking help form K-12 schools and higher education institutions in developing new standards for facility management practices in those settings.
According to its website, HGSC's new standard is based on science and will encompass a variety of facility management practices and topics, including cleaning, disinfection, tracking the quality of indoor air, HVAC maintenance, and sustainable purchasing. Once developed, HGSC says the standard will serve as the centerpiece of a greater program that will also feature:
- A tool to help schools objectively measure and improve the health of their indoor environment, as well as their performance as it relates to sustainability.
- Guidebooks, training modules, and other resources.
- A peer network that will be used to determine best practices.
- Third-party verification from HGSC.
HGSC wants K-12 school districts, colleges and universities to be part of a group of early adopters that will provide feedback on the program, allowing it to develop the best program possible. Applications for the program are due April 16 and can be filled out here.