Interclean’s Healthcare Cleaning Forum (HCF) is taking place for the second time in RAI Amsterdam on May 12, 2022. The focus of this one-day international conference is on cleaning and hygiene as part of infection prevention in hospitals and long-term care institutions. Visitors to this year's conference can look forward to interesting keynote speeches and breakout sessions relating to themes such as the impact of COVID-19, cleaning and disinfection, (international) guidelines, sustainability, the importance of evidence-based interventions and new, innovative technology.
Background Information On The HCF
Environmental cleaning and disinfection are important instruments when it comes to reducing the number of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). Procedures, training and education, technology and materials are factors which influence cleaning efficiency. HCF is a unique, international one-day conference. It is a platform for healthcare experts, cleaning experts, hospital managers, including infection prevention specialists, facility managers and the industry. The conference offers in-depth insights into current trends and challenges which affect (environmental) cleaning and hygiene in the healthcare sector in hospitals and long-term-care institutions. HCF raises awareness, facilitates discussions of best practices and explores the latest scientific research on how cleaning can have an impact on infection prevention and control. Healthcare Cleaning Forum is an Interclean Amsterdam initiative. The program was developed in close cooperation with CleanHospitals.
Program Overview
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM: Attendees will hear various keynote speeches on necessity and efficiency, international procedures, new innovative technology and future developments. With, among others, Didier Pittet (University of Geneva Hospitals and Faculty of Medicine, chairman for Clean Hospitals, Geneva, Switzerland), Martin Kiernan, visiting clinical fellow (Richard Wells Research Centre, England), Juliëtte Severin (clinical microbiologist, medical coordinator of Unit Infection Prevention at Erasmus MC Rotterdam, Associate professor, The Netherlands).
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM: Coffee and lunch breaks: A chance to discuss and network with fellow professionals and keynote speakers.
1:30 PM - 4:00 PM: Various breakout sessions for a more in-depth look at specific themes and tours of the Interclean exhibition aimed at viewing the most important innovative cleaning solutions and demos about hospital cleaning.
For the full program and registration, click here.