From Sept. 11-17, organizations across the country are celebrating the hard work and dedication of frontline workers who sometimes go overlooked for their tireless dedication to patient surroundings – environmental services workers. This Environmental Services Week, CloroxPro Canada is shining a spotlight on these champions across Canada’s hospitals and clinics, including those workers at Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare (HDGH).
Environmental Services week is a time to show appreciation for the dedicated ES personnel. With everything that these past few years have thrown their way, ES workers have remained resilient in their efforts to help protect others from viruses and infections, well beyond COVID-19. They ensure healthcare facilities are safe places for patients, their families, and staff members.
“These last three years have been tough, to say the least,” says Bill Marra, president and CEO at HDGH. “Our ES workers have worked so hard to keep our patients and team safe and working in a clean environment. We’re happy to recognize our team for the work they’ve been doing and continue to do.”
“Now more than ever we need to be celebrating our frontline workers. Their dedication to patients and passion for their job are unmatched. And we really value our partnerships with HDGH,” said Barley Chironda, Sales Director and International Infection Control Specialist, CloroxPro Canada. “With the use of CloroxPro products, ES workers can be confident they’ve cleaned and disinfected those hard to clean areas to help prevent the spread of illness causing germs.”
“We’re here for patient care,” says Justin Quinn, manager of Environmental Services & Material Management. “We measure cleanliness through best practices and with a 72 check-point in the Public Health Ontario (PHO) Provincial Infectious Diseases Advisory Committee (PIDAC) to clean over 1 million square feet of surfaces weekly. Our goal is to be considered the cleanest hospital in Ontario, and we want to do this while reducing our overall environmental footprint. Partners who understand our goals, like CloroxPro Canada, help make this possible.”