In what is certain to impact frontline cleaning departments, 27 different states are set for a minimum wage increase in 2023. While exact dates and percentage increases vary, 22 of these 27 raises are slated to go into effect on Jan. 1, according to coverage from BallotPedia. These changes, which in many instances were legislated in response to keeping up with the cost of living increases in many areas of the country.
Highlights of the minimum wage increases include:
• As it stands, 30 states had already implemented a minimum wage above the federally-mandated rate of $7.25 — meanwhile the remaining 20 are yet to budge.
• For jurisdictions, Washington D.C. slightly edges out Washington state with a mime wage of $16.10 (once it officially goes into effect on July 1, 2022).
• Since Wyoming and Georgia finalized their minimum wages prior to the federal requirement, they stand in-tandem as the lowest rate in 2022 with $5.15 per hour.
• At a flat rate, the state featuring the highest minimum wage is Washington with $15.74.
• The highest percentage increase comes from Nebraska, which is raising its hourly wage by $1.50 to the tune of 14.29 percent.
• The lowest percentage increase comes from Michigan, which is rising its wage by $0.23 for a 2.28 percent increase.
• Twenty-three of the 30 increases will be going into effect either on Dec. 31 2022 or Jan 1, 2023.
• Four other increases will go into effect on June 1, 2023 or later in the coming year.
For information on whether your state is implementing a minimum wage increase for 2023 — and how much or little that raise is slated to be — click here for BallotPedia’s complete coverage featuring a detailed map for the continental U.S.
Frontline cleaning managers looking for advice on how and when to give their top employees pay raises, click here for a column by cleaning consultant Jordan Tong from Contracting Profits.