PathoSans WVE

PathoSans recently awarded Women’s Voices for the Earth (WVE), a nonprofit organization dedicated to advocating for women's health and the environment, with the In Good Company Award. The In Good Company Award recognizes organizations that demonstrate dedication to make good on their corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives.

“This award recognizes WVE's commitment to advancing sustainability and championing the health and well-being of women and communities,” says Ken Campbell, director of Sales, PathoSans. “We applaud WVE for their tireless efforts in raising awareness about the intersection of women's health, toxic chemicals and sustainability.”

Women’s Voices for the Earth is honored for its long-standing effort to educate others, increase transparency and help improve the safety of cleaning chemicals. It has made impactful strides in keeping organizations accountable via extensive reporting and tracking of cleaning chemical ingredient lists. The organization was selected for its continued work in shining a light on the use of toxic chemicals in many commonly used cleaning products.

"We are honored to receive the In Good Company Award from PathoSans," says Amber Garcia, executive director. "This recognition is a testament to the dedication and passion of our team and supporters who have worked tirelessly to promote sustainability, protect women's health and create a safer, cleaner future for all. We believe that everyone should have access to products that are safe for use and the environment and this award inspires us to continue our vital work."