To address the growing needs of family caregivers, the hygiene and health company Essity is launching the AgeTech-solution Caressa, aimed at providing necessary support for the essential aspects of care.
Caressa is a digital platform and new business model for Essity that brings together care essentials – tasks, medications and appointments – into one subscription-based app, enabling multiple family members to collaborate and coordinate the care of a loved one.
“Essity is committed to breaking barriers to well-being, and providing support for family carers plays an important part in this. We have developed Caressa in collaboration with this underserved, yet crucial group to support their specific needs and challenges. Our extensive experience, in-depth customer insight and focus on assistance provide us with the knowledge and capacity to broaden our offering with this new digital solution,” says Nadine Gerson Flam, Global Director Senior Care at Essity.
With this launch, Essity is expanding its offering in the field of AgeTech. Caressa adds to previous digital solutions from Essity such as TENA SmartCare that offers digital solutions for continence management, and Cutimed Wound Navigator that provides support in assessing and documenting wounds.
The global demographic shift, with a rapidly growing older population, reveals an opportunity for new practices and innovation within the care economy to make a significant positive impact. A global survey of 15,000 respondents conducted by Essity reveals how 61 percent agree that digital healthcare and services save time for caregivers, which they can subsequently spend with patients.
In addition to a digital marketing campaign, the news about Caressa will be spread through Eurocarers, the European network representing informal carers and their organizations.
“Eurocarers and their affiliates work to ensure that informal care is valued and recognized as central to the sustainability of health and long-term care systems. Therefore, we view Essity’s launch of Caressa as a positive step, as it acknowledges the importance of family carers and their significant contribution to health and social care systems and the economy as a whole,” says Stecy Yghemonos, executive director at Eurocarers.
Key features and benefits of Caressa
• Invite family members and other informal carers to form a team around a loved one
• Organize and track a loved one’s activities and appointments by planning and sharing visits
• Receive reminders to ensure that the administration of medication is never forgotten, thus providing consistent and accurate care
• Coordinate caregiving responsibilities by creating to-do’s that can be shared and delegated across a care team
• Store notes, documents and pictures that are relevant for the care of a loved one
• Send messages and updates to others in a care team regarding a loved one