Networking business

Whether it’s a salesperson looking to expand their client base or a building service contractor (BSC) truing to get their business off the ground, success will be extremely hard to come by without a proper network of contacts to support them or simply bounce valuable ideas off of. For some, being ambitious enough to put themselves out there and join peer groups or travel to live events is half the battle. The other key component, however, is making sure those interactions count. To help simplify the networking process, Premium Beat laid out a handful of strategies to apply when looking to expand one’s professional web. 

Hype Up Others

Having an enthusiastic approach is great, but walking up to people and focusing solely on themselves can come off as tone-deaf and off-putting. When possible, introduce others (co-workers, colleagues or otherwise) and highlight what they do and let the conversation start off with them. Often that selfless energy is contagious and questions about your own goals and aspirations will be asked of you, other than you kicking it off with what could sound like an elevator pitch. 

Avoid Immediate Requests

Perhaps it’s someone’s idol in the industry or a contact they’ve been told is pivotal toward learning some best practices. Regardless of the scenario, they are far more likely to help if some your own value is projected in one way or the other. It could be something as simple as offering to buy them lunch, or seeing if there’s any projects they could use any help or a second set of eyes on. Immediately asking if they can look at a business proposal or a resume risks the impression that you’re only interested in their expertise for your own gain — even if it isn’t the case. 

Follow Up

It doesn’t need to be over-the-top — a simple email or LinkedIn message thanking them for taking the time to talk can go a long way towards a strong connection. It can not only make the contact feel valued, but it also shows that the person sending the message takes pride in making connections and is willing to make an effort to collaborate on projects down the road. 

Check out the complete list with additional networking tips here. For related advice, check out these fast facts on what to know about video interviews