
Contributed by AFFLINK

What end customers look for in distributors can be challenging because it fluctuates over time.

"The best way to understand what customers look for in distributors is to maintain a close connection with them and have access to the latest data on customer purchasing patterns," emphasizes Michael Wilson, CEO and president of AFFLINK, a distributor membership organization comprising 300 exceptional distributors nationwide. "This knowledge empowers distributors to meet customer expectations effectively."

However, as Wilson referenced above, what customers look for in a distributor can change.

During the Great Recession (2008), most end customers looked for distributors that could offer the best price. Ten years later, global supply chain issues changed the game. Price was no longer the primary concern; deliverability took the spotlight.

So, what are the key things end customers look for in distributors now?

According to Wilson, they are the following:

1.   Delivery reliability along with prompt delivery.

2.   Proactively reordering products for their customers.

3.   Ensuring products are of high quality.

4.   Having competitive pricing structures

5.   Exceptional customer service

As to proactively reordering products for a customer, Wilson adds that “we must realize our customers rely heavily on distributors to tell them when it's time to reorder. Never let the customer ask when and what products they need; always be proactive."

In addition to the five things just mentioned, Wilson suggests customers are more willing to select and remain loyal to a distributor if they offer the following:  

·      Value-added services

·      Consistent performance.

·      Excellent communication skills.

·      Tailored solutions to address each customer's specific needs.

"Some distributors may need to re-brand themselves," adds Wilson. “It’s time to view yourself as a consultant. More than ever today, customers do not want to be sold to; they want to be advised by a skilled consultant."