Poor employee retention has absolutely plagued building service contractors and facility cleaning managers for some time, as the people working these often low-paying positions commonly elect to move on to a company that can give them more.
Fortunately, there are some things employers can do to entice their workers to stay put. Custom Think came up with a list of 10 actions employers can make to improve employee retention at a low cost. Here they are:
1. Allow a longer lunch break or an extra break.
2. Offer to pay to have workers' car or home cleaned sometimes.
3. Award workers a gift card that will pay for a subscription to Netflix or other another streaming service.
4. Sign employees up for cooking lessons.
5. Pay for a week's or month's subscription to a meal delivery service.
6. Give workers paid time off to volunteer.
7. Sign employees up for a laundry service.
8. Gift workers a plant.
The last two actions businesses can take that are on Custom Think's list probably wouldn't work for an employee who provides janitorial or custodial services because of the nature of the job. However, the perks could maybe implemented by jan/san distributors or given to the people who do office work for building service contractors or facility management companies. Those two perks are:
9. Offering a happy hour after work.
10. Allow employees to bring their pets to work once a week.