According to ManageSmarter, even though many companies envision themselves becoming a market leader one day, many employees often see these aspirations as far-fetched dreams. A recent survey conducted by OnPoint Consulting shows that almost half of respondents believe that their organization continually fails to execute its strategic vision. But it doesn't have to be this way, says Richard Lepsinger, President of OnPoint. Your company really can keep its promises—but first you must take some tried and true steps to create a "get it done" culture. For example:
1. Recognize that execution starts with a plan.
2. Ensure plans are aligned and coordinated across the organization.
3. Clarify, clarify, clarify. It's difficult to get things done when people don't understand exactly what they should be doing – or for that matter, when they should be doing it.
4. Establish clear expectations. Goals help managers give constructive feedback to team members.
5. Don't micromanage your entrepreneurial-minded employees. But do monitor them.
6. Don't shoot the messenger. Encourage your employees to share bad news.
7. Balance careful analysis of a problem and decisive action to solve it. You must move quickly to deal with a threat or problem.
8. Make decisions close to the action. The key here is ensuring that decisions are being made with the best information in order to receive quick, valuable responsiveness.
9. Facilitate spontaneous interaction among employees. Your employees' informal relationships are vital.
10. Transform your performance management system into a business tool.
Affirming the collective benefit of the changes, employees will get focused on being more efficient, retaining customers, responding and acting on customer feedback, and monitoring the quality of their work.
Click here to read details on these recommendations.