Employee Retention. Wooden figurines on a blackboard.

With the cost of recruiting and hiring being expensive, employee turnover hurts. Especially when the worker leaving was a strong contributor. Unfortunately, some jan/san distributors, facility managers and commercial cleaning companies routinely have to replace good workers.

Luckily, companies who choose to invest in their workforce are often able to slow the trail of people leaving. Here's 15 tips for improving retention, according to Forbes.

1. Let employees in on the company's plans

2. Change up the resignation process

3. Focus on training and treatment of employees

4. Recognize and reward employee achievements

5. Regularly ask employees for feedback

6. Listen

7. Show faith in them

8. Invest in employee development

9. Go beyond the "open door policy"

10. Give top workers equity in the business

11. Be mindful of their emotions

12. Provide service for them

13. Make mental health a priority 

14. Offer a good work-like balance

15. Provide the right amount of affirmations

For further explanation behind each tip, read Forbes' entire article here.

For our BSC readers, check out this past Contracting Profits story that focused on solving retention issues.