![bad manager in magnifying glass](https://www.CleanLink.com/resources/editorial/2021/search-27549-sstock.jpg)
Industries of all types are in the midst of hiring struggles. Even as the economy begins to rebound and job opportunities are expanding, hurdles such as unemployment benefits, a multitude of options for candidates, or apprehension of having to return to an office have many companies going months at a time without adequate staff.
Cleaning is no exception, with BSCs and in-house staff alike struggling to find employees on a wide scale. To get a clearer idea of what could be going wrong on the hiring front, Forbes highlighted three particular mistakes that many companies are making when searching and interviewing candidates.
Hiring People Similar To You
Especially for someone new to the hiring process, seeking candidates with a similar background, age, and set of interests can lead to an engaging/comfortable interview and conversation. The problem, however, is running the risk of everyone at the company having a similar path of life experiences, mindset, and approach to how problems are solved. The risk of ‘monoculture,’ which can be exacerbated by a referral system that doesn’t stretch boundaries, can leave a company one-dimensional and ineffective at overcoming adversity.
Limiting Search Processes/Asking Limited Questions
The time-consuming nature of hiring can lead many companies to rely on automated systems where preferred phrases and words in resumes come filtered into a specific pool of candidates. The problem with that, however, is you could be missing out on quality candidates if their resume indicates the objectives a company is looking for, but is worded in a way that flies under the algorithm. These kinds of issues can be avoided by diversifying the way in which candidates are searched for, such as implementing a diverse referral program with incentives. Additionally, the way questions are asked in the interview itself can restrict both the answers candidates provide, and the amount of insight the interviewer can receive. A common example of a restrictive question is “walk me through your resume”. A better question would be to hone in on specifics, such as what their biggest mistake is or how a former boss would rate them, and why. Doing so increases the chances of breaking past the surface-level nature of a resume.
Interviewing Is A Two-Way Street
While it’s understandable for an interviewer to try and get as much insight out of candidate as possible, oftentimes this runs the inadvertent risk of the candidate simply feeling cornered for ours at a time. It’s important for the interview to have some give-and-take, giving the interviewee the opportunity to ask their own questions, and for the interviewer to share some of their specific experiences. By making the interview more of a two-way street, the candidate will be inclined to think that their voice will one heard and appreciated.
For more hiring tips pertaining to cleaning industry positions, click here.