With a trend dubbed “The Great Resignation” seeing employees to leave jobs at unprecedented rates, the power in the job market has tilted toward the candidate significantly. Be it a distributor, a frontline cleaning staff or a building service contractor (BSC), a slight mistake that might not be too costly a few years ago could be pivotal today. To help with the interviewing process, EDUCBA compiled a list of key tips from the position of the interviewer.
Set The Tone
Candidates can be intimidated if they sit down and questions immediately start coming in at rapid-fire. Something as simple as a smile and handshake, along with asking how their day is going (or if it’s in-person, if finding the office was fine). First impressions go a long way, and that goes for the interviewer too.
Open-Ended Questions
The interviewer might not realize it, but asking questions such as “do you agree with this?” leads to a higher chance of the candidate providing an answer lacking in elaboration. By framing questions in an open-ended way, such as “how do you feel about this?”, allows for more in-depth conversation and opportunity for the candidate to showcase their knowledge.
Interviewing For Personality Fit
The best candidate on paper — or the one that technically answers questions the best/most descriptively — is not always a slam-dunk or even the best long-term option. If the position is distributor sales, for example, the person’s personality would preferably be extroverted or not shy away from frequent communication (even if they have the most educational experience or knowledge or the industry).
The entire list of tips is available here. For additional coverage on hiring salespeople in particular, click here.