"QUIT JOB!" written out with pink highlighter on a desk calendar

High employee turnover is a cancer for any business. When an employee leaves, it costs a lot of time and money to find his or her replacement. And once that replacement is found it will take sometime before the new hire is competent and efficient enough to make up for the loss of the person they have replaced. Luckily, there some things businesses can do to better ensure that they hire employees that stick around.

Street Register recommends businesses do the following things to hire and maintain quality employees:

1. Hire for cultural fit

Street Register argues it isn't enough to have an experienced and educated new hire if that person's personality doesn't click with the company and the culture it has built. To hire for culture, it's suggested that businesses really get to know the person they interview so the company a good idea if that person would work well with fellow coworkers and management.

2. Use referrals

Employees who were referred by another worker before being hired are more likely to fit in with the company, and as a result, stay longer.

Companies should ask their employees if they have any person in mind whenever a job opening develops.

3. Pay fairly

Money talks and unhappy workers walk. An employee who is getting paid less than his or her worth might not want to stay around for too long.

Not only are employees less likely to stick with a job for which they're not fairly paid, but they are also more likely to steal from that employer.

For more information on the industry's annual turnover rate, top recruitment strategies, effective and proven retention strategies, tactics for improving employee engagement and much more, download the Frontline Labor Report.