3M is pledging to combat the price gouging and fraud taking place during the COVID-19 pandemic after discovering that people have been using its products and likeness for these exact purposes.
In a statement released this week, the company says it has received reports that people have been selling its products at hyper-inflated prices, selling counterfeit products using the 3M name and have been falsely claiming to have had an association with 3M.
Among these products involved in price gouging and counterfiting are respirators, which are in dire need along the frontlines right now.
3M says it is working with law enforcement agencies to help bring legal action against those who are acting illegally as it relates to the company and its products. The company is also teaming up with e-commerce entities to come up with a way to identify authentic 3M products.
To read more on what 3M is doing to combat counterfeiting and price gouging, access the company's statement by clicking here.