Award golden blank medals 3d realistic illustration. First place medals with laurel leaves. Certified. Quality blank, empty badge, emblem set.

Dow announced in early November that four leaders earned recognition on three 2021 OUTstanding LGBT+ role models lists: LGBT+ Executives, LGBT+ Ally Executives and LGBT+ Future Leaders.

A Dow leader has been recognized on one of these lists each year since 2014. Annual rankings are based on a review process of nominees selected among professionals actively contributing to an environment where employees feel safe, respected and valued both within and outside of the workplace.

"This recognition is a reflection of Team Dow's dedicated focus on creating a more equal and inclusive workplace and world ," says Amy Wilson; general counsel, corporate secretary, and executive sponsor for Dow's LGBT+ and ally employee resource group, GLAD. "Dow's GLAD team, led by Alex Papastrat, and countless other colleagues are the ones who made this possible; they inspire me. Significant progress has been made, but the journey is far from over. And we will continue to work at the forefront across public and private sectors to advocate for full inclusion in all facets of our society."

Dow leaders honored as Top 100 Leading LGBT+ Executives include:

Louis A. Vega, president, North America; vice president, government affairs and advocacy (#9)

Louis' holistic approach to inclusion and diversity in the workplace is best illustrated through his involvement with GLAD. As the group's global advisor, he has worked with chapters globally to promote a more inclusive workplace and community for all employees. Louis is a member of Dow's President's Inclusion Council, sponsors and leads Dow's Social Justice Council, and serves as a member of the company's Operations Team. A leader and pivotal voice on business strategy, people development, and growth matters for Dow around the globe, Louis brings his passion for inclusion to all his discussions and involvements — from engagements with government and industry leaders to serving on the board of directors for multiple civil society groups. In addition, through his service on the boards of numerous other inclusion-focused organizations, he leverages his relationships within the business community and shares his strategic business counsel to promote a more equal world for all.

Javier Constante, president, Latin America and Brazil

Javier is keenly aware of the responsibility he has as an influential LGBT+ Executive and uses his position to advocate for others and focuses his attention on challenges faced by the LGBT+ community. Javier is an active member of Dow's President Inclusion Council and champions D&I as a key part of Dow's Latin American Strategy. Externally, Javier serves on the board of the Brazilian organization, Forum de Empresas e Direitos LGBT and is currently leading a public policy initiative to ensure a better and more inclusive environment across Brazil.

Dow leaders selected as Top 50 Ally Executives:

Amy Wilson, general counsel and corporate secretary, (#18)

Amy is the Executive Sponsor for GLAD, Dow's LGBT+ and ally ERG, and has hosted numerous events highlighting topics related to LGBT+ inclusion, including moderating a virtual event during Pride 2021 with GLAAD President and CEO, Sarah Kate Ellis, and Dow Chairman and CEO Jim Fitterling. As part of Dow's leadership education series for people managers, Amy led the session on ESGs, inclusion and diversity in the C-suite and Boardroom. In this session, she highlighted her extensive experience with Dow's Board of Directors as the company's corporate secretary and the importance of including all types of diversity, including LGBT+ diversity, at all levels in the organization.

Dow leaders chosen as Top 100 LGBT+ Future Leaders:

Jarrod Trusler, product manager, polyurethanes

Jarrod is deeply engaged with Dow's global LGBT+ and ally employee resource group, GLAD, serving on the global steering team and focusing on external engagement and internal policy projects. In 2020, he completed his tenure as leader of GLAD in Asia Pacific; the final project he launched there was a formal upgrade to the region's HR definition of "family", ensuring that LGBT+ families would be recognized for benefits in the absence of country-level recognition of same-sex partnerships. Upon relocating to the Netherlands in 2020, Jarrod has launched multiple policy-related projects, such as a review of Dow's insurance coverage of the needs of LGBT+ individuals and expanded pronoun usage across the region. Jarrod is also a regular speaker at internal events and education seminars.