Coming out on top in the hiring game is very similar to winning the supply chain battle — those who act quickly and efficiently for the top options typically prove victorious. Even if a distributor, in-house cleaning crew or building service contractor (BSC) offer the best bottom line benefits, hours or pay, they can miss out on a top-tier hire because their hiring process wasn't efficient enough and a candidate was lured away elsewhere. To help ensure businesses and hiring parties don't let talent slip through the cracks, Bamboo HR provided four tips for speeding up the recruiting process.
1. Auditing the Process. In order to streamline the process, it's important to first look at every aspect from a birds-eye view in order to pinpoint what steps are taking too much time. Examples include the amount of time it takes to reach out to potential candidates, having an excessive number of employees involved in the hiring process that don't necessarily need to be there (which can lead to confusion or the same steps being repeated), and having a consistent method for following up with/providing feedback to candidates. By making small adjustments each time, the time saved cumulatively can be considerable.
2. Consider an Automated Tracking System. Especially for larger scale business involved in a lot of interviews and hires, it never hurts to use an automated system that can automatically categorize and keep track of each step of the hiring process. Known as applicant tracking systems (ATS), companies can post job opportunities, provide updates to candidates in the hiring process, send alerts/reminders, filter resumes to streamline which candidates are worthy of the next step, and send feedback on the back end without having to do so manually.
3. Streamline Interviews. The most efficient (and enjoyable) interviews for candidates tend to be ones that have a consistent structure. Examples include having a set number of rounds in the interview process, setting consistent questions, and letting the candidate know what to expect along each part of the hiring process. Doing so makes sure inappropriate questions aren't ask and important ones to fall through the cracks. It also makes the candidate feel important and the company appear to look professional and organized.
4. Recruiting Agencies Can Provide Value. While it's not for every company, hiring a third-party for hiring doesn't always have to mean the company itself isn't involved in the process. In many cases it can expand the potential marketing reach for candidates and save time on selecting who is worthy for an interview — freeing up businesses to focus on other key tasks. For higher-stakes positions that can involve a lot of initial, but necessary steps, an outside agency can do a lot of the heavy lifting up front and then leave the primary decision making process up to the company itself.
For related tips on how to conduct the optimal interview, click here.