With the release of its new Pro-Link Professional Education CITS training program, Pro-Link, Inc. offers building service contractors (BSC) and facility managers across the United States the ability to ensure their cleaning staff have the knowledge and skills needed to do their jobs effectively and safely. CITS is ISSA’s Cleaning Industry Training Standard, which sets guidelines for effective training courses for frontline cleaning professionals.

“I believe this Pro-Link Professional Education CITS training program provides great value to facility managers and BSCs,” said Pro-Link President and CEO Brian Slack. “Properly educated cleaning staff can clean and disinfect more effectively, reducing the spread of disease. Following safety procedures cuts down on workplace injuries. Plus workers reduce waste when they have been taught correct cleaning procedures. All of these benefits lower costs,—whether they be missed work days, workers compensation claims, or wasted chemicals—and that’s something every facility manager or business owner wants.”

The seven ISSA CITS Verified courses cover general cleaning, restroom care, hard floor care, carpet care, general safety, hazard communications, and customer service. Cleaning staff completing the courses will learn to use up-to-date cleaning methods and tools to create clean, safe, pleasant smelling environments and to extend the life of carpets and floors. They will also learn how to be safe on the job and how to best meet the needs of facility users.

Passing any of the courses earns students CITS certification, and those that pass all seven courses achieve CITS Masters certification. Beyond just gaining skills and earning certification, cleaning staff will be encouraged to take pride in their work and value the role they play in keeping people safe, healthy, comfortable, and productive.

“I am excited that Pro-Link and its members can play a role in not only creating cleaner, safer environments, but also in acknowledging the importance and dignity of cleaning jobs,” said Slack. “We’re honored to be able to help our nation’s hardworking cleaning professionals earn a credential that recognizes the dedication they put into making the environments we’re in everyday better.”

The Pro-Link Professional Education CITS training program is available only through authorized Pro-Link distributors. More information and a distributor search page are available on the Pro-Link website.