Blueprint of Cogs

Information Courtesy Of BSCAI

As consumers rush to the cleaning aisle of supermarkets and businesses across all sectors engage in complete shutdowns or remote operation, the commercial cleaning industry has instead taken an all-hands on approach to the COVID-19 pandemic. To alleviate some of the pressure, a bevy of resources are on-hand for BSCs to better understand the correct products, procedures and frequencies needed to destroy the virus and prevent its spread. 


While no tests currently exist confirming the cleaning efficacy of different products against COVID-19, successful products against previous coronaviruses — including MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV — provide a strong defensive blueprint. The use of EPA-registered disinfectants with high microbiocidal impact against pathogens is a good starting point. Recommendations on dwell times vary by manufacturer, but the necessary information will always be available. 

COVID-19 is easy to eradicate on non-porous surfaces, yet highly contagious through hand-to-hand contact. Because of this, disinfecting high-touch surfaces including light switches, door handles and key pads is essential. 


The use of masks, gloves and other forms of proper protective equipment (PPE) is recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) — especially for custodians in specialized facilities such as hospitals. Training comes to the forefront as well, with management responsible for educating staff on exposure risk and necessary hygiene tactics throughout a shift.

Those who come into contact with a contaminated region are recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) to wash their hands with antibacterial soap for a minimum of 30 seconds. If soap isn’t on hand, the next-best alternative is an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

In the event symptoms are being shown, employees should refrain from work and seek immediate medical attention — although differing medical leave laws across states make this a tougher reality for some. Companies looking to extend goodwill may want to consider extended offerings of sick leave as well, if federal regulations don’t beat them to the punch. 

Cleaning Frequencies

An increase of cleaning frequencies is recommended for the foreseeable future, especially for general disinfection. Recommendations from the National Environmental Agency of Singapore include: 

- Covering of garbage bins and clearing them daily to prevent spillage

- Regular cleaning of toilets with extra attention to high touch points like seats, water taps and grab poles

- Reminding staff to engage in daily prevention practices such as hand washing and proper food hygiene

A constant dialogue with clients is also essential, as an increase in their cleaning needs may require additional custodial hires or hours worked. Should a change in cleaning schedules need to occur, consult with clients beforehand to ensure that it won’t impact the flow of their business. Also take the opportunity to provide recommendations as they arise, opening the door for not only more business, but the building of trust.

For more information on deciphering the symptoms of flu, allergies or coronavirus, read up on findings provided by Mayo Clinic and the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention here