Young professional black woman

Taylor Bradley, manager, Environmental & Scientific Affairs, at the American Cleaning Institute (ACI), has been selected as a Thurgood Marshall College Fund Hennessy Fellow. She is part of an elite group of ten talented scholars nationwide who are being developed to “unlock the C-suite.”

Bradley is currently enrolled as an MBA candidate at Morgan State University and is expected to graduate in 2021. She initially pursued the degree to enhance her leadership skills, develop professionally and acquire business acumen; things that are not necessarily taught in technical degree programs such as engineering. Now, with the help of the Thurgood Marshall College Fund Hennessy Fellows program, she is also able to widen her professional network and work on entrepreneurial projects that are very important to her.

“This fellowship is absolutely life changing,” says Bradley. “As a first-generation college graduate, the pressure to be ‘better than’ is something I face daily. Not only am I gaining a step-ahead into executive leadership, but the financial reward provides more flexibility in pursuing this degree. I’m being trained to hone in on my unique qualities and strengths to become a better leader, mentor and business-woman. The entire program is amazing and I am so thankful to be one of the ten chosen for Cohort II.”

The Thurgood Marshall College Fund, in partnership with Hennessy, is a $10 million initiative. The program awards high-achieving graduate students, representing a variety of undergraduate majors from liberal arts to sciences and engineering, from Historically Black Colleges and Universities with curated corporate development experiences, as well as financial assistance. As a Thurgood Marshall College Fund Hennessy Fellow, experiences include online training forums, an immersive boot camp, and networking opportunities to enhance the exchange of ideas and provide direct exposure to interrelated corporate, social and economic systems.

Bradley graduated Howard University in Washington with a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering and she has a Master of Science in Environmental Engineering from Virginia Polytechnic and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia.

Bradley manages scientific research and outreach on the environmental safety of cleaning products and their ingredients.