The cleaning product supply chain is ready to get together again.
The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) has announced that its 2022 Annual Meeting & Industry Convention will be held in-person. The event takes place Jan. 31 to Feb. 5, 2022 at the Grande Lakes Orlando in Orlando, Florida.
ACI will continue to monitor guidance concerning attendee safety and the convention will abide by all local and regional safety protocols in place at the time it takes place.
“When the 2022 convention rolls around, leading companies throughout the cleaning product supply chain will be ready to meet again across the table, in one place, at one time,” said Melissa Hockstad, ACI President and CEO.
“In talking with executives within ACI’s membership, I have learned that there is a pent-up demand to meet again in-person with customers, suppliers and colleagues. The one event to meet that demand is the ACI convention.”
Companies that are eligible to belong to ACI must be a member of the association to attend the convention. For questions about joining ACI, contact membership@cleaninginstitute.org.
ACI members will be notified directly in the months to come with details on convention registration. For information about the event and convention sponsorships, contact Merla Zollinger, senior director, convention and meetings, at mzollinger@cleaninginstitute.org.