“In all my years I have never seen the sales team as engaged, participatory or enjoying the thrill of updating sales skills” is how Dennis McGurk summarized the AFFLINK Sales Summit Winner’s Prize.
From the hundreds of attendees at the AFFLINK Summit Milhench Supply Company of New Bedford, Massachusetts, were the winners of the Barry T. Wright workshop, "Improving Sales Profitability,". Michael Wilson, V.P. Marketing helped choose the one lucky winner of a "no charge" world class sales profitability coaching workshop. Heike B. Milhench’s card was drawn from the many distributor entrants.
The award was an intense day of squiring to learn tips and techniques at their office on October 14th, 2016. Vice President, Mark Milhench, a student of people and salesmanship, commented “Barry, in his fine British humorous style, using a combination of Anthony Hopkins, Peter Sellers and Shakespeare, helped make the sales team just enough uncomfortable with their comfort to see the choices before them. Mark noted that that role plays engaged everyone without lecturing to discover the possibility to be all things to all people. "Giving our best customer the best price, best service, best products on our terms of trade is not only possible but what we intend to execute for customer loyalty and retention,” he said.
Chad Richards said he has realized the skills to differential Milhench in 2017 and was excited to face the many competitors now that he knew the only true method for sustainable sales profitability. Jeremy Pontes, a youthful veteran at Milhench, was excited to have developed an understanding of the skills to help prospects self-discover their true unmet needs of which he would be the consultant. Business Manager. Loren Milhench Le Gassic was looking forward to never cold calling again as she grew the book of business in 2017 having discovered the technique to do it.
Nate Valcourt was highly impressed with Barry’s secret ingredient that ensures the skills were not to be a day of discussion or review but in his follow up coaching call confirmed it was working and he has ‘changed for good’ Larry Salvato, well versed in Sales, is not a big fan of days’ out of the field, however delightfully surprised by the value to an experienced salesperson, by taking a step back to see how B to B selling is evolving.
The day was made possible in part with support from Kimberly Clark Professional.