The Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) announced the publication of a new American National Standard - ANSI/IICRC S700 Standard for Fire and Smoke Damage Restoration.
This Standard describes the principles, processes, and procedures for assessing the presence, intensity of impact, and boundaries of fire residues and odors affecting a building, building systems (e.g., Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning [HVAC]), and contents after a fire event. The fire event can occur within the building, an adjoining building(s), or building(s) in the vicinity impacted by an external or internal fire, other than wildfires. This Standard also describes the practical principles, methods, and processes including equipment, tools, and materials, for the restoration cleaning, and fire odor management of buildings and contents. This Standard also addresses contractor qualifications, administrative requirements, procedures, development of the Restoration Work Plan (RWP), documentation of project-related events, and compliance with Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJ).
The ANSI/IICRC S700 Standard for Professional Fire and Smoke Damage Restoration includes the following:
Fire and Smoke Damage Restoration Contractor Qualifications
Administrative Requirements and Documentation
Fire and Smoke Damage (FSD) Assessment
Fire Restoration Equipment, Tools, and Materials (ETM)
Fire Restoration Mitigation Source Removal Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) and Air Conveyance Systems (ACS)
Fire and Smoke Odor Management
Fire and Smoke Damage Contents Restoration
Post Restoration Evaluation
Limitations, Complexities, Complications, and Conflicts
To purchase a copy of the new ANSI/IICRC S700: 2025 and other standards, visit https://iicrc.gilmoreglobal.com/en.