ASHRAE introduced its 2017-2018 president, executive committee officers and directors during its Annual Conference in Long Beach, Calif., which was held June 24-28.
ASHRAE’s new president is Bjarne W. Olesen, Ph.D., Fellow ASHRAE. At his inaugural presidential address, Olesen announced his term’s theme will be “Extending Our Community.” Through this theme, Olesen will focus his time as the Society’s leader on extending ASHRAE’s global community, technological horizons and overall value to the Society’s members.
“The tremendous amount of volunteer work that occurs within ASHRAE is unique compared to other societies,” says Olesen. “The time ASHRAE volunteers dedicate to the Society is incredible, and the dedication of our 2017-2018 officers will strengthen our Society’s knowledge base, community reach and ability to shape a more sustainable world. I look forward to working with my fellow ASHRAE officers and members this year to extend our global community, adapt to new technologies and embrace our shared needs and objectives.”
In addition to serving as the Society’s president, Olesen will continue to serve as a professor at the Technical University of Denmark. During his term, he will also serve as chair of ASHRAE’s Board of Directors and Executive Committee.
Elected officers who will serve one-year terms are as follows:
• President-Elect: Sheila J. Hayter, P.E., Fellow ASHRAE, Group Manager, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, Colo.
• Treasurer: Darryl K. Boyce, P.Eng., Fellow ASHRAE, Assistant Vice President, Facilities Management and Planning, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ont.
• Vice President: Michael Schwedler, Fellow ASHRAE; Principal and Senior Applications Manager, Trane Co., La Crosse, Wis.
• Vice President: Ginger Scoggins, P.E., President, Engineered Designs, Raleigh, N.C.
• Vice President: Edward Tsui, Managing Director, Intelligent Technologies Ltd., Hong Kong
• Vice President: Julia A. Keen, Ph.D., P.E., BEAP, HBDP, Associate professor, Architectural Engineering and Construction Sciences, Kansas State University
ASHRAE also introduced its newest directors who will serve three-year terms from 2017-20:
• Region VII Director and Regional Chair: Michael P. Cooper., P.E., Senior Vice President, Bernhard MCC, Metairie, La.
• Region VIII Director and Regional Chair: Jonathan I. Symko, President, QSC Consultants LLC, Sugar Land, Texas
• Region IX Director and Regional Chair: Trenton S. Hunt, Systems Engineer/Account Manager, Mechanical Products Intermountain, Midvale, Utah
• Region X Director and Regional Chair: Marites Dagulo Calad, Vice President, Norman S. Wright Mechanical, Waipahu, Hawaii
• Region XIV Director and Regional Chair: Constantinos A. Balaras, Ph.D., P.Eng., Fellow ASHRAE, Research/Development Engineer, National Observatory of Athens, Greece
• Region-at-Large Director and Regional Chair: Farooq Mehboob, P.E., Fellow ASHRAE, Owner, S. Mehboob & Company, Consulting Engineers, Karachi, Pakistan
• Director-at-Large: Van D. Baxter, P.E., Fellow ASHRAE, Senior R&D Engineer, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tenn.
• Director-at-Large: Donald L. Brandt: BEAP, Sales Engineer, Trane Co., Phoenix, Ariz.
• Director-at-Large: Tim J. McGinn, P.Eng., HBDP; Partner, DIALOG, Calgary, AB, Canada