ASHRAE has announced that the IAQ 2020 Conference in Athens, Greece, will be postponed until September 13-15, 2021. Organized by ASHRAE and the Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre (AIVC), the theme of the conference, “Indoor Environmental Quality Performance Approaches,” focuses on the metrics, systems, sensors and norms necessary to implement performance approaches.
“Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) has been the core of ASHRAE'S IAQ series of conferences for the past 30 years," said Max Sherman, co-chair of IAQ 2020. "This conference has expanded from only covering indoor air quality concerns, to exploring indoor environmental quality, which includes indoor air pollution, thermal conditions, acoustics and illumination and their interactions. The COVID-19 crises has required us to hold IAQ2020 one year later, but allowed us to expand the scope further to include IAQ in a post-COVID world."
In addition to the original conference topics, the conference steering committee is seeking topics related to the scientific challenges that the world faces following the COVID-19 pandemic, which include:
• Role of ventilation and building airtightness in epidemic preparedness
• Filtration and disinfectant options to control COVID-19
• Face-covering impacts on indoor air quality
• HVAC and IEQ in a post-COVID world