ASHRAE has announced the recipients of 40 Society scholarships, totaling $219,500, for the 2023-24 academic year.
“ASHRAE Society scholarships are investments in the future of our industry,” says 2023-24 ASHRAE President Ginger Scoggins, P.E., Fellow ASHRAE. “By supporting the development of talented students, we empower them to drive innovation, sustainability and progress in the built environment. Congratulations to this year’s recipients.”
The following award provides a $12,500 scholarship:
Presidents Scholarship
Danielle Tessier, sustainable and renewable energy engineering, Carleton University, is the recipient of the Presidents Scholarship.
The following awards provide a $10,000 scholarship:
Willis H. Carrier Scholarships
Brendon Little, architectural engineering - mechanical option, Pennsylvania State University and Saquib Khan, mechanical engineering, Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology, ME, are the recipients of the Willis H. Carrier Scholarship established by the Carrier Corp. in memory of its founder, who installed the world’s first scientifically designed air-conditioning system.
Gordon V. R. Holness Engineering Technology Scholarship
Kiran Kapileshwari, mechanical engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology; Michel Cherian, building system engineering technician, Seneca College and Ivy Arnold, architectural engineering technology, Vermont Technical College, are the recipient of the Gordon V.R. Holness Engineering Technology Scholarship named in honor of ASHRAE Presidential Member Holness, P.E., Fellow ASHRAE, Life Member, who served as the Society’s president in 2009-10.
Reuben Trane Scholarships
Alvin Hsieh, engineering mechanic, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Dylan Ricard, mechanical engineering, University of Manitoba and Heather Ritter, mechanical engineering and business, University of Calgary, are the recipients of a Reuben Trane Scholarship which is to be awarded over two years and was established by the Trane Co. in memory its founder, an innovative engineer, inventor and business executive, who held 28 patents.
The following awards provide one-year $5,000 scholarships:
Lynn G. Bellenger Engineering Scholarship
Sadia Ashraf, mechanical engineering, University of Houston and Paulina Salinas, mechanical engineering technology, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, are the recipient of the Lynn G. Bellenger Engineering Scholarship which recognizes female undergraduate engineering students and is named in memory of the Society’s first female president, who served as the Society’s president in 2010-11.
Engineering Technology Scholarship Nathan Steil, civil & environmental engineering technology and architectural engineering technology, Vermont Technical College, is the recipient of the Engineering Technology Scholarship.
Frank M. Coda Scholarship
Kamran Ali, thermal engineering, HVAC, theory of machine, fluid mechanics, strength of material, Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology, is the recipient of the Frank M. Coda Scholarship created in memory of ASHRAE’s former executive vice president, who served from 1981-2004.
Alwin B. Newton Scholarship
Alyssa Bentsen, mechanical engineering, University of Victoria, is the recipient of the Alwin B. Newton Scholarship named for an industry pioneer and ASHRAE Fellow who was granted 219 patents.
Duane Hanson Scholarship
John McCulloch, mechanical engineering, Texas A & M University and Texas University, is the recipient of the Duane Hanson Scholarship established by Gayner Engineers and is named for the company’s former president.
Legacy Scholarship
Haley Steele, mechanical engineering, Grove City College, is the recipient of the Legacy Scholarship.
General Scholarship
Abby Hans, architectural engineering technology, University of Cincinnati and Jessica Burke, architectural engineering, University of Cincinnati, are the recipients of a General Scholarship.
Charles E. Henck Scholarship Tyler Patterson, physics and mechanical engineering, Virginia Tech, is the recipient of the Charles E. Henck Scholarship which recognizes students within the geographical area of ASHRAE Region III (Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington DC).
Prem Jain Scholarship
Kavya Taneja, mechanical engineering, Maharaja Agrasen Institute Of Technology, is the recipient of the Prem Jain Scholarship. The scholarship was created by Dr. Prem Jain, Life Member of ASHRAE, founder of ASHRAE’s India Chapter-at-Large & presidential member of the ASHRAE India Chapter, founder and presidential member of ISHRAE (Indian Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineers).
Rusty & Debbie Hoffman Family Scholarship Sahib Zubair, mechanical engineering, Aligarh Muslim University, is the recipient of the Rusty & Debbie Hoffman Family Scholarship. William P. Chapman Scholarship
Lokesh Sriram, mechanical engineering, Purdue University, is the recipient of the William P. Chapman Scholarship, who served as Society president from 1976-1977.
David C.J. Peters Scholarship
Geoffrey Sanderson, architectural engineering, University of Nebraska, is the recipients of the David C. J. Peters Scholarship created by Southland Industries to honor Peters, an advocate of recruiting quality.
ASHRAE Region IV Benny Bootle Scholarship
Isabella Bernagozzi, architectural engineering, Clemson University, is the recipient of the ASHRAE Region IV Benny Bootle Scholarship named for a former Region IV chair and regional director on the ASHRAE Board of Directors.
Freshman Engineering Scholarship
Sen Gharibyan, mechanical engineering, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, is the recipients of the Freshman Engineering Scholarship.
The following awards provide one-year $3,000 scholarships:
Henry Adams Scholarship
Varun Chauhan, mechanical engineering, Lokmanya Tilak College of Engineering, is the recipient of the Henry Adams Scholarship, named in memory of charter member and sixth president of ASHRAE’s predecessor society, ASHVE.
Donald E. Nichols Scholarship Spencer Meeks, mechanical engineering, Tennessee Technological University, is the recipient of the Donald E. Nichols Scholarship named for a former ASHRAE vice president and graduate of Tennessee Technological University.
ASHRAE Region I Setty Family Foundation Scholarship
William Hanna, mechanical engineering, Stevens Institute of Technology, is the recipient of the ASHRAE Region I Setty Family Foundation Scholarship named in honor of Boggarm Setty, Fellow ASHRAE, Life Member.
ASHRAE Region III Setty Family Foundation Scholarship
Nathan Kurtz, architectural engineering, Pennsylvania State University, is the recipient of the ASHRAE Region III Setty Family Foundation Scholarship. ASHRAE Region VIII Scholarship
John Flores, mechanical engineering, Texas Tech University is the recipient of the ASHRAE Region VIII Scholarship.
ASHRAE Central New York Chapter King-Traugott Scholarship
William Hemmer, mechanical engineering, University of Kentucky, is the recipient of the ASHRAE Central New York Chapter King-Traugott Scholarship named in memory of ASHRAE Life Members Fritz Traugott, Ph.D., Fellow ASHRAE, and Harry King.
Minnesota Chapter – Peter Potvin Scholarship
Million Bayissa, mechanical engineering, Minnesota State University, is the recipient of the Minnesota Chapter- Peter Potvin Scholarship.
Ottawa Valley Chapter Scholarship
Gabrielle Milburn, architectural conservation & sustainability engineering, Carleton University, is the recipient of the Ottawa Valley Chapter Scholarship.
New Jersey Chapter Scholarship
Kristopher Poirier, electromechanical engineering, Wentworth Institute of Technology, is the recipient of the New Jersey Chapter Scholarship.
High School Senior Scholarships
Marcellus Odum, mechanical engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology; Anthony Montagna, mechanical engineering, Penn State University - Behrend College; Gerin Moore, architectural engineering, University of Texas at Austin; Alexander Nicols, mechanical engineering, Kettering University, Lawrence Technological University, Mott Community College and Abigail Crowe, engineering, Oregon State University, University of Washington, California Polytechnic State University, are the recipients of a High School Senior Scholarship.
Applications are now being accepted for the 2024-25 undergraduate engineering, technology, regional/chapter, and university-specific scholarships. The application deadline is Dec. 1, 2023.
For more information on ASHRAE’s scholarships, including eligibility requirements and application materials, click here.