employee retention

Employee retention might not seem like too much of an issue now with the world's economy struggling and cutbacks occurring due to COVID-19, but these things always do rebound and workers always seem to look for greener pastures. To spare themselves time, money and stress, companies throughout jan/san should keep abreast the latest opinions on how to maintain employees. To help, CMS Wire has published a list of six things businesses can do to improve recruiting and retention.

1. Encourage diversity and inclusion

CMS Wire says more businesses are embracing diversity today, which is good, but too many are failing to pay attention to inclusion. Inclusive workplaces provide a sense of security because people feel free to be who they are and share their unique talents. Companies that celebrate these differences tend to have less turnover and more open communication.

2. Listen to employees

Management and other leaders within a business not only need to encourage feedback from employees, but they also have to listen to what they say. By simply listening to employee opinions and acknowledging their existence, companies give their workers a great sense of purpose. So continue to hand out questionnaires and surveys and take the time to talk to workers one-on-one. Chances are, the company will gain some valuable insight and the employee will have a greater sense of belonging.

3. Keep training

Fortunately, this tip is in regards to something many in the cleaning industry strive to do. And for good reason, the cleaning industry changes, so the lessons taught to jan/san sales reps and commercial cleaners should reflect these differences.

CMS Wire reports that employees given continued opportunities to further develop and learn have a greater desire to stay with their employer.

4. Provide mentorship

Just like ongoing training, continuing mentorship beyond the onboarding process is useful. By continuing to to have employees taken under the leadership of another, businesses give these workers a sense that they're a valuable part of the company that's being invested in. Employees can also gain a stronger bond with their coworkers through mentorship, which gives them a greater sense of belonging.

5. Recognize good work

This tip is one that the leaders of jan/san distribution companies and commercial cleaning operations have shared with us before. People love to be recognized for a job well done, especially when they also receive a reward.

Companies concerned with their budgets need not despair. Rewards don't have to be monetary. Providing more vacation time for good work is a common strategy among businesses in many different industries, but those in the cleaning industry have told us that workers really enjoy receiving things like trophies or certificates in front of their peers or having a pizza party thrown for the whole team.

6. Encourage open communication

The failure to communicate isn't just an issue for the characters of "Cool Hand Luke." When companies fail to quickly and effectively communicate their goals with workers, those employees tend to get upset. And upset employees quit.