Anna Gilmore Hall, RN, MS, CAE has accepted a seat on The Healthy Facilities Institute (HFI) Advisory Board.  Ms. Gilmore Hall, RN, MS, CAE is the Executive Director of Practice Greenhealth, the nation’s leading membership organization for institutions in the healthcare community that have made a commitment to sustainable, eco-friendly practices.

Ms. Gilmore Hall is a graduate from Eastern Maine Medical Center, School of Nursing (diploma in Nursing), University of Maine (BUS) and Capella University (MS).  Anna received her Certified Association Executive (CAE) certification from the American Society of Association Executives.

“I’m delighted to serve on the Healthy Facilities Institute Advisory Board because it’s a natural extension of the work I have done for creating healthier hospitals and health care facilities,” said Gilmore Hall.  “I look forward to collaborating with HFI to promote green building and healthy indoor environments.”

Prior to her position with Practice Greenhealth, Ms. Gilmore Hall held various staff positions including the position of Co-Executive Director of Health Care Without Harm, the international campaign for environmentally responsible health care, and the Director of the Center for Occupational and Environmental Health at the American Nurses Association (ANA) where she was responsible for developing and implementing environment policy issues for the largest nursing organization in the United States.

“We are very pleased to have Anna Gilmore Hall on our advisory and believe that her extensive background in greening healthcare operations will be a great asset as we seek to assist all types of facilities in becoming greener and healthier,” said Allen Rathey, president of HFI.