PASADENA, CA/USA - JANUARY 2, 2016: Boys & Girls Club sign and logo. Boys & Girls Clubs of America is a national providing after-school programs for young people.

Aramark is donating a portion of sales from javia, its private label coffee, and Reserve by javia, its new, premium line, to Boys & Girls Clubs of America.

Reserve by javia and javia coffees have been designated as a “Good Cause Coffee,” where a portion of sales is donated to local non-profit organizations.

Aramark became a corporate partner of Boys & Girls Clubs of America in 2019, and this year will focus the “Good Cause Coffee” dollars on supporting its mission of helping all youth achieve great futures. 

There are more than 4,600 Boys & Girls Clubs across the country that serve over 4.7 million young people. Many of Aramark's employees volunteer at these Clubs through Aramark Building Community, the company’s global volunteer and philanthropic program. Going forward, Aramark is exploring ways to work with the Boys & Girls Club to integrate health and wellness and workforce programs — which are the focus of Aramark Building Community — into activities at the Clubs.