The Healthy Facilities Institute (HFI) awarded Honorable Mention to Magazine School District, Magazine, Arkansas, in the 2018 Healthy School Facilities Recognition. The submission was one of nearly 20 entries for the 2018 Healthy School Facilities Recognition.
The Magazine district has implemented measures including:
• Providing access to healthcare to kids and teachers including medical, dental, vision, and mental health (64 students visit a therapist weekly), and a new telehealth program, which accesses experts via telecommunications.
• A Wellness Center on campus that assists or treats about 371 students a month, 45 staff and community members.
• Collaborating with professional organizations such as Children’s Hospital & University of Central Arkansas, to provide enhanced services to students, while helping university students gain field experience.
• Expanding physical activity for students to have greater movement and play time; in 2018, adding 60 minutes per day per student of physical activity.
• Installation of 125 cameras across campus to enhance safety and monitoring.
The Healthy Facilities Institute (HFI) was created to promote physically and fiscally healthy environments.
The Healthy Facilities Award Program is in its second year. Entries are evaluated based on guidance in the Healthy and Safe Facility Handbook, School and College Edition, through follow-up interviews, and with input from HFI’s advisory group.
The award recognizes schools that give regular, consistent attention to nine basic health factors:
• Indoor air quality
• Chemical exposure
• Water quality
• Sound levels
• Lighting
• Cleaning, disinfecting
• Sanitizing and food service
• Integrated pest management
• Body matters (musculoskeletal, strains, slips/falls)